These unprecedented times breed uncertainty in each one of us. We will likely lean into our faith, family and neighbors like never before. As Arrive Ministries’ employees, our hearts also hurt for our refugee families who may be feeling quite alone.
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“…the Mom needed the get to the hospital. Yvonne spent all day with her there…”
We know that their needs remain very real and likely have increased. Knowing that, we’ve adjusted our way of working to safely continue meeting needs for as long as possible.

Yvonne, an Arrive Ministries Case Manager
Earlier this week, one of our staff members unexpectedly spent the day in the ER with a refugee who arrived a month ago. Yvonne stopped by their apartment to help reactivate a cellphone that had been cut-off, and immediately noticed that something was wrong. The kids were crying, Dad was stressed, and Mom was struggling to breathe. But, since their cellphone had been cut-off, they couldn’t call for help.
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“…balance of serving our vulnerable new refugee families while doing what is right for the broader community and our employees.”
Yvonne immediately realized that the Mom needed the get to the hospital. She spent all day with her there, and the doctors eventually determined that she did not have COVID-19 but her condition was still serious. I’m so thankful that we had a dedicated staff member who was there and ready to assist.
Like you, we don’t know what tomorrow holds. Only God does. So, we are seeking to follow His lead to find that precarious balance of serving our vulnerable new refugee families while doing what is right for the broader community and our employees.
Our heart is to walk alongside our refugee and immigrant families as much as we can during this global crisis.
Thank you for standing with Arrive Ministries – just like Yvonne stood by her family – through your involvement, prayers and financial support.
Arm in arm,
Mike Bergman
Deputy Director, on behalf of the entire Arrive Ministries team
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One of the many refugee families Arrive Ministries resettled and connected to a church team.
More Resources and Comments about COVID-19’s Impact on Refugees and Volunteers
COVID-19 Impact for Refugees and Volunteers: Comments and Resources