By Samantha, Arrive Ministries St. Cloud Area Director: Recently, a Somali mom was at our office for a sewing class and when I asked her a question, the woman called me
When the war in Ukraine started on February 24, 2022, my husband, Anton and I knew we needed to leave Ukraine immediately; I was pregnant with our first child who was due in four days.
After a couple from Tajikistan converted to a Christian faith, a deep sense of intimidation happened to their family; photos of them flashed on the news as a warning of false teachers, stones were thrown through their windows, teachers bullied their children.
Restoring Separated Families
The team of volunteers from Roseville Covenant Church has been assisting the Congolese family as they navigate healthcare, finances, school, insurance, driving lessons, trips to the grocery store, learning English, plus introducing their new neighbors to fun first-time experiences.
A multicultural group of women meets on Fridays in Willmar to teach each other how to cook cuisines from their homelands.
Nearly a decade ago, Mary began to feel a tug on her heart to help refugees navigate the changes of a new start in the United States. “There’s got to
Some stories are so full of perfectly timed coincidences, that the main characters realize they’re living through a God story. Take the arrival story of the Elmi family. The October
I am a typical Ukrainian girl who grew up in my nation, on my land, in my home… One morning, before the sun had even risen, my entire country awoke;
Mary Wilkin, a seasoned landlord, felt content renting out several properties and did not plan on buying any additional properties. However, when a refugee crisis was caused by the fall
Arrive Ministries is a refugee resettlement agency providing essential services and practical assistance to refugees and immigrants to advance self-sufficiency. We mobilize volunteers, in partnership with local churches, to extend love and friendship to our new neighbors to promote thriving in a new homeland.
1515 East 66th Street, Richfield MN 55423
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