What is the Lautenberg Program? The Lautenberg program began in 1989, allowing religious minorities from 15 former Soviet Union countries to be considered for refugee resettlement in the United States.
Which immigrants can seek temporary protection in the U.S. and why? Temporary Protected Status is an immigration status granted to eligible nationals of a designated country based on urgent humanitarian
When families are separated from each other, they have to decide whether they want a family member to visit them or permanently live with them in the United States. There
The word “parole” or “humanitarian parole” has been in the news a lot recently because of Afghanistan. But what is it and what does it mean? Here are a few
Arrive Ministries is a refugee resettlement agency providing essential services and practical assistance to refugees and immigrants to advance self-sufficiency. We mobilize volunteers, in partnership with local churches, to extend love and friendship to our new neighbors to promote thriving in a new homeland.
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