Jeff, a Church Team Leader, has been volunteering at a food shelf to help out during the Coronavirus pandemic. The food shelf, located in a rural area, was continually having an overabundance of rice, due to a lower demand from the residents of that area.
Jeff, and his team from Woodbury Community Church, have been connected with many Karen and Karenni families the past several years. He knew that the rice could go to good use in these communities, especially now when several families have kids home from school or members out of work.
Over the past six weeks Jeff has been able to pick up and distribute more than 2,300 pounds of rice to families in St. Paul! “I never expected there to be such an abundance of rice!” he said.
This blessing of rice is left on doorsteps or delivered from a distance, along with a greeting of “How are you doing?” or “I’m praying for you!”
Jeff knows that God is using him to engage with the Karenni community. “He is leading me to meet more and more families,” he said.
And not just meet – Jeff has been intentional about learning the names of every mom, dad, and child of the families he calls ‘friends’. He is intentional about seeing the individual as God sees them.
Imagine getting a visit, being asked about the well-being of your family and friends by name, and receiving a bag of rice!
Thanks for showing love in this practical and meaningful way.