August 24, 2022
This Congolese family of 9 arrived in June, and when I visited their house the next day, we had issues getting the data to work on their phones. I brought the oldest son and the sister-in-law to a Caribou coffee shop so that we could try to figure out the data problem, and also so they could check-in with their friends and family back home.
they smiled so big when they saw the sign that said Caribou… in Kiswahili, “karibu” means welcome!
I wanted to choose a coffee shop that would be a good representation of Minnesota, so I chose my favorite one- the Caribou on Grand Ave!
We drank iced tea and they introduced me to their friends and family on Whatsapp video calls. They loved people watching and seeing the bustling city of Saint Paul. It was a beautiful way to spend a Friday summer afternoon, and for me it will always be a great memory of this family’s first day in Minnesota.
-Dani is an Arrive Ministries Case Manager