Saturday, March 7, 2020
9 AM – Noon
Arrive Ministries
1515 E. 66th St., Richfield, MN 55423
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Somali Adult Literacy Training – sharing Jesus with our Somali neighbors through literacy and friendship.
Are you interested in learning the basics of volunteering with SALT?
This 3-hour introduction to SALT equips you with the basics of what you need to know:
-An introduction to Somali culture (Would you like to know how to say ‘hello’ in Somali?)
-The ABC’s of tutoring (Did you know you can pack a “tool kit” with hours of tutoring tools?
-Tips on cross-cultural relationships (What are some ways we can create friendships with our Somali neighbors?)
Sign up today for this essential free course that can help launch you into volunteering with SALT.
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