On January 20, 2025, President Trump announced the suspension of the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program. This policy change is an injustice for thousands of refugees who are desperately seeking a safe place to rebuild their lives. Vulnerable populations, including religious minorities, face prolonged persecution.
What’s happening?
Refugee Resettlement will be suspended on January 27. All refugee arrivals to the United States will be paused indefinitely, which means many families will remain in danger, and countless others separated, unable to reunite safely.
Refugees are the most thoroughly vetted people admitted to the United States. They undergo a rigorous and extensive screening process that often takes years before being selected for legal permanent resettlement in the United States. People with refugee status are welcomed into our communities after they were forced to flee their own due to persecution.
As Minnesotans and followers of Jesus, we are grateful for the cultural vitality and richness refugees bring to our communities, as well as a strong workforce that contributes to our economy and communities in meaningful ways.
More than 200 men, women, and children were assigned to be resettled by Arrive Ministries in the coming months, many reuniting with family members living in Minnesota. Unfortunately, these cases have now been suspended indefinitely.
What’s next?

Arrive Ministries staff praying following the suspension of refugee resettlement
In the coming days, we expect more updates on the state of the refugee resettlement program under the new administration. We know you deeply care about what lies ahead for those we serve and encourage you to take action at a state and county level.
As we wait, join us in lamenting with and praying for these refugee families.
- Over the next 90 days, our office will actively serve 109 refugees who arrived at MSP airport in the last few weeks. Pray for them.
- Pray that the pause will be lifted as soon as possible, so the thousands of refugees seeking safety will find peace in a new permanent home.
- Pray for a compassionate response from the church and local communities as we seek to love our neighbors as ourselves.
“It is a privilege to do this work, I am grateful to serve a holy God and do this holy work. We keep moving forward because we are following the same unchanging God that we praise in Psalm 146,” said Ruth LePage, Resettlement Program Manager at a staff prayer gathering this morning.
“Praise the Lord… He remains faithful forever… He upholds the cause of the oppressed… The Lord watches over the foreigner, and sustains the fatherless and the widow… The Lord reigns forever, your God, O Zion, for all generations. Praise the Lord.” Psalm 146
We are committed to advocating, praying for, and being people of hope for our refugee neighbors. Thank you for your continued prayer and support.